Week 14

Awesome inc. Summer 2023 Bootcamp

1. What was your experience like overall in the Bootcamp?

Overall, it was a good experience in the bootcamp. I do wish that I would have attended an in person bootcamp, to be honest. The instructors were great remotely, but I believe I personally would have benefitted from being in person. Mainly due to being to having someone one come and look at my code on the screen, instead of having to use a screen share in a Slack huddle. It's hard to show the code, and navigate where the instructor wants, especially when you're new to everything.

2. Take a look back at your blog posts over the last 16 weeks. Where do you see yourself growing the most? What is one thing that pops out as you being misinformed or that you think is funny compared to what you know now?

I grew the most in my undestanding of how the learning process works in programming. I also learned alot about the Agile technique. I had use Agile in my previous career, and honestly did not think highly of it that department I was working in at the time. I see a lot more value in this field.

3. If someone important was to read this blog, who would flatter you the most? Make sure your final portfolio, blog, homepage, final project, and whatever else is online and linked so future employers can learn about everything you did! Be sure to post the live link to social media and share it with your peers, friends, and family!

I'm not sure honestly, but I would hope someone that was reading this blog would be able to have a positive take away from it.

4. Will you continue this blog throughout the rest of post-work? How about for the rest of the year? How about the rest of your life? Will you keep posting? Will you need to be stopped?

I may continue the blog weekly for the post work, but afterwards I will probably make it a bi-weekly blog post.