Week 3

Awesome inc. Summer 2023 Bootcamp

What is the number one thing that held you back this week? Why?

Being able to fully connect with state management of Javascript really held me back this week. The readings, videos, and outside searches helped, but I didn't fully attain enough understanding to put it all together. I was able to get the mind reader project completed, but I still am interested in learning more about state management.

What is one thing you would like to learn more about regarding JavaScript (JSON, Data Structures), Bootstrap, or Atomic Design?

I would like to learn more about JSON as I feel it was only briefly touched on this week, and I know it will be very important when we start working with APIs. I would also like to learm more about data structures and atomic design.

What is your “Why”?

If this questions is regarding the overarching question of why am I attending bootcamp for coding, it would be for personal interests as I have always enjoyed technology.

If this "why" is regarding the question above it would be that I want to have a deeper understanding of the material as I believe it to be important in connecting to databases.